hello, i am kathleen
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I am a reformed fuck-up and have come a long way

I have this infuriating tendency to take my unhealthy belief systems to their most absurd conclusion.   Much like French kissing a light socket, it is only when I confront the painful consequences of my actions that I can extricate my head from the rear. Whether you call it a “dark night of the soul”, or simply personal growth, I have come a long way (This blog is a revealing byproduct of this journey.) 

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I am a frustrated artist

Within me lurks a well of untapped creative energy the presence of which creates a well of frustration.   I feel full to the brim with ideas that tickle my brain.  I desire to follow the ideas until they can be realized.  However, life is an obstacle course.  I wish to adequately capture the essence of my creative ideas but always fall short. This blog is an essential creative outlet that can allow me to regain a bit of sanity…

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Thanks for visiting!!!

I’m honestly quite proud of what I’ve created here.  I see no reason why a person can’t engage in intellectual curiosity & mindless fun on a blog that is also aesthetically pleasing :).. On a serious note, I really have put quite a bit of work into it

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