hello, i am kathleen
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& This Changes everything.

I was formally diagnosed at the age of 52 with auDHD.  Admittedly, the diagnosis simply confirmed a suspicion I had after my oldest claimed “Yeah Mom we’re all autistic”, (matter-of-factly).  I was nonetheless surprised by how much this threw me for a loop. I hope to share my journey as I come to terms with this diagnosis

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Getting Unstuck & Discovering Clarity

Excuse my French but unmasking is a real“mindfuck”.  Coming to terms with this begins with a bit of grieving. It also necessitates working through a lifetime of shame. In the end, you discover your understanding of self is based on an accumulation of adaptations necessary to fit in a neurotypical world, & little else

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This blog is a study tool

I take deep dives into all subjects that pertain to the nature of our human existence & use this blog to record my thoughts on such matters….

This blog is more than an academic endeavor

I am a life-long learner.  I utilize APA citations since it is a familiar way for me to give credit where credit is due. Despite this, I conceive this blog as an online journal to overcome a fear of sharing my thoughts with others since they are frequently contrarian in nature.

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I do not fear the truth

Some say the truth hurts while others claim that the truth can set you free. In reality, both statements ring true. Life has taught me that for healing to occur, “the only way out is through”.  Beyond the hurt we refuse to acknowledge is the insight we need for clarity of understanding.  As an autistic, this is akin to breaking the fourth wall. Understanding the invisible barrier between yourself and the neurotypical world requires us to say the unsayable. 

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